Sunday, March 2, 2008

Low Group Activity !!!

Hi All,

Well I do agree that there is very little activity on the blog andgroup. First and foremost I would like to take the blame andresponsibility on mine as I understand I myself is little numb fromlast few weeks.
I would like to add that a group and blog would run only when there iscollective effort. We have an understanding that most of us areworking hence leaves very little time to spend on blog and group.
But people, we shouldn't forget that we are future managers, and if wecan't manage these small things then I guess we will have tough timein future managing many things that would come as responsibility. Allthe lesson and effort start from Home and always a small beginingmakes a huge initiative at a later part of time.
I believe the group is mature enough to see some light at the end ofthe tunnel, so we all shall come together and make this placehappening as its a win-win situation for all of us.
I would like to add that, there are 3 new people who has sent requestto join this group and has informed me that this is one of the mostvalued group for SCDL on internet. So lets have pride in our actionsthat we all are posting. New joinees, would request you to kindlyintroduce yourself to the group :-)
Happy Teaming !!!

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